Pick up points
Day Excursions & Holidays
Picking up from Chelmsford
Your day excursion or holiday departure time will be shown on your ticket but you are asked to be at the
joining points listed below at least 5 minutes before the stated time.
Avon Road - Bus Stop, Opposite Welland Avenue
Barnard Road - Outside Co-Op
Barnard Road - Junction Well Lane
Beehive Lane - Bus Stop, Junction Sawkins Avenue
Bus Stop - Opposite Goddard Way
Bus Stop - Opposite Hungry Horse Public House
Bus Stop - Opposite Pollards Green
Bus Stop - Opposite The Vineyards
Brackenden Drive - Bus Stop
Broomfield Road - Bottom of Swiss Avenue
Broomfield Road - Opposite Skerry Rise
Boarded Barns - United Reform Church
Days Garage - Broomfield Road
Chelmer Tavern - Entrance to Dukes Park
Chelmer Village Way - Opposite Henniker Gate
Dorset Avenue - Bus Stop Opposite Reader
Lodge Coaches HQ - Garage
Galleywood Road - Bus Stop Near White Horse
Galleywood Road - Bus Stop Opposite Dorset Avenue
Galleywood Road - Junction Linnet Drive
Galleywood Road - 100 yards Past Pertwee Drive
Good Easter - Star Public House
Good Easter - Opposite Peppers Green,
Good Easter - Souther Cross
Good Easter - The Fountain
Lawn Lane - Bus Stop Opposite Medical Centre
Lawn Lane - Bus Stop Opposite Waveney Drive
Lawn Lane - Junction Bodmin Road, Opposite Park
Loftin Way - Bus Stop, St. Pauls Church
London Road - Bus Stop, Opposite Red Lion
Longmead Avenue - Junction Tabors Avenue
Maldon Road - Opposite Fire Station
Meadgate Avenue - Opposite Shops
Meadgate Avenue - Opposite Tusser Court
Melbourne Avenue - Opposite Flats
Melbourne Avenue - Junction Pines Road
Moulsham Lodge - Bus Stop Outside Shops
Patching Hall Lane - Opposite Woodhall
Patching Hall Lane - Roundabout
Pump Lane - Bus Stop Opposite Mountbatten Way
Railway Station - Bus Stop, Opposite Main Entrance
Roxwell Village Hall - Bus Stop
Sandford Road Shops - Springfield
Skinners Lane - Junction, Opposite White Bear
South Lodge Hotel - Bus Stop, London Road
Springfield Green - Bus Stop Near Church
Springfield Road - Junction Regency Close Opposite Post Office
The Angel Public House - Bus Stop
The Endeavour Public House - Bus Stop
Top of Longstomps - Just Before Roundabout
Trent Road - Junction Thames Avenue
Writtle Road - Junction of Crompton Street
Writtle Road/Hole in the Hedge - Bus Stop
Writtle Road/Savernake Road - Lay By
Writtle Village Hall - Bus Stop
Day Excursions
Picking up in Witham, Tiptree, Totham & Maldon Area
Your day excursion departure time will be shown on your ticket but you are asked to be at the joining points listed below at least 5 minutes before the stated time.
The George Public House
The Old Post Office
The Cheap Shop
St. Lukes School
The New Times Public House - Opposite Roy Terry's
Factory Shop - Depending On Excursion
Great Totham​
St. Lukes School
The Old Post Office
Maldon Road - Opposite Cafe
Wickham Bishops
The Chequers Public House
Scout Hut
Colchester Road - Bus Stop
Opposite Bentalls - Bus Stop
Hollow Road/Cresent Road - Bus Stop
Doubleday Drive - Bus Stop
Cups Corner
Cambridge Road
Queen Victoria Public House